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Council Committees

Council Committees assist with carrying out the work of the College.  Except where specific decision-making authority is provided in the Act, the Bylaws, or these policies.

Council Committees

A committee responsible to review Council’s governance policies, practices, and initiatives, having regard to best practices, regulatory requirements, and emerging trends, and make recommendations to Council.

Governance Committee Terms of Reference

A committee that has the mandate to assist Council in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to the financial health, sustainability, and risk management of the College.

Audit, Finance and Risk Committee Terms of Reference

A committee that has the mandate to assist the Council in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to the College by:

  • Acting on behalf of Council in emergency situations when a quorum of the Council cannot be convened. Any actions taken by the Executive Committee must be ratified at the next Council meeting. If Council does not ratify the decision made by the Executive Committee, then the Council decision stands.
  • Serving as the College’s Human Resources and Compensation Committee which assists the Council in fulfilling its responsibilities with respect to the performance, employment agreement, compensation, and Council relationship with the Registrar & CEO.

Executive Committee Terms of Reference